Chapter 16. Snoop and the Professor: A Traveling Beagle and a House Full of Dogs on Christmas Day
I’ve been so busy over the holidays that I’ve forgotten to let my beagle fans know what has been going on. I have become a traveling beagle! This is something I never anticipated because I really don’t like to ride in the car. Mom had flown in an airplaine to Casa Staten Indiana to spend Christmas. We then drove to Frankfort, KY to my Aunt Lila’s house for Christmas day, Charlotte North Carolina to bubby Ryan and sissy Liz’ house for the New Year, and now I am at Casa Staten Tallahassee with Mom and the Professor. I also have a sneaky suspicion that soon the Professor and I will have to go back to Casa Staten Indiana for the spring semester. How did this happen? Usually when I am in the car, I am so nervous that I go from front seat to back seat and cry as I watch the scenery fly by. But the Professor put his thinking cap on and decided to put me in my cage with my blanket in the back seat. My cage is covered by another blanket so I can’t see outside. My cage has always been my safe place and it is very comforting for me. So, I am much calmer in the car now and the Professor doesn’t have to give me the peanut butter covered pills that put me to sleep and make me so groggy. The only time I talk to the Professor is to let him know when I need to pee and he pulls over for me. Well, sometimes I get him to change the music to listen to Linda Rondstadt. She is my favorite you know. Wow...I have become a traveling beagle !! Yes, this old beagle can still learn something new!
I have to admit that Christmas Day was a bit rowdy because there were 3 other dogs in the house that day. You know me, I’m a bit old and I don’t like to put up with all the commotion caused by younger dogs. Max, bubby Ryan and sissy Liz’ labradoodle was there. By the way, what the heck is a labradoodle? I know Max quite well so he and I get along. Hardy, Aunt Lila’s golden retriever mix, was there and Jack, Cousin Nick’s young lab mix was there. Hardy and I are the older distinguished dogs in this bunch and don’t like to be pestered so much. Jack is a young pup who is always pestering and playing with me. Now, to be honest, I caused some of this because, well I am a beagle, and I have to smell all the other dogs and given the size of Hardy, Max, and Jack, I am at the exact height for smelling their significant parts. I think you understand what I’m saying. What can I say? I am a beagle.
And yes, Santa Claus brought me several beagle toys and, as always, I was on the lookout for beagle treats which are always around on Christmas Day. Overall, it was a great day with all the family. There is so much love among us. I am such a blessed beagle. I’ll continue my holiday stories this afternoon. It is time for the Professor to take me on a walk, so I am giving him that familiar stare that he understands. I have him trained so well!