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The Adventures of Snoop and the Professor. Chapter 10

Chapter 10. Snoop and the Professor: Who Says You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

I got so excited I had to go pee and poop before we left. It was Sunday and I was going to the beach again with Mom and the Professor. Of course, I still had to ride in the car, which I really don’t like but I somehow survived the 45-minute drive once more. Mom and the Professor kept telling me to calm down but I just can’t help it when I’m in the car. I had to ride in my cage in the back seat so I really couldn’t jump from front to back, back to front and from one window to the next. Mom says that this is the best way for me to ride. I’m not sure I agree with her, so I just yelped the entire drive. The Professor didn’t appreciate that.

Today must have been bring your dog to the beach at Marshes Sands. At least 6 different dogs for me to meet and greet. One dog belonged to Mom’s friend who works at Florida State. All the dogs on the beach were younger than I am. The Professor says that I am “old” and set in my ways; that I don’t like to be around young dogs with their endless supply of energy and games. He’s actually right, but I would never let the Professor know that. He tells people that I am 11 and a half years old. I don’t know what a year is but every morning I have to stretch to get ready for our walk. Maybe there’s a correlation between the number of stretches in the morning and age? Now I’m sounding like the Professor. How does that happen?

I tentatively waded into the water but I still didn’t appreciate the waves and I certainly did not want that salty water in my face, in my mouth, or on my head. The water was warm today. Mom and the Professor went way out in the water. I wanted to be with them so much, but this big water was still a bit frightening for such an “old” but handsome Beagle like me. I walked out a little more. Yes, that’s OK. Then I was hit with a small wave. Again, not too bad. Mom and the Professor were talking to me, telling me to come on out to them. The next thing I know I can’t feel the ground and my short legs are paddling me through the water. How did that happen without thinking about it? I must be a genius. Mom and the Professor were cheering me on as I swam out to them. Finally, Mom grabbed me and I gave her a sloppy kiss. Thank goodness. Mom and the Professor clapped and made over me. I had just learned to swim. I guess an old dog can learn new tricks! Mom put me down in the water and I swam to the shallow water. Mom and the Professor made over me again and all the people on the beach clapped as well. Yes, I was one proud Beagle! Although I still don’t know exactly how I learned to swim without being taught. I really must be brilliant. Just call me Snoop, the “old” but handsome and brilliant beach bum swimming Beagle!


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